Uniform Policy

The official Edna Karr uniform represents to the public the ideal Edna Karr student. It is to be worn with pride and respect. Students are required to adhere to the dress code in school as well as on the way to and from school in order to act as proper ambassadors. When a student wears the official Edna Karr uniform off campus, he/she is required to adhere to all rules and regulations as though he/she were on campus. The official Karr school uniform consists of a shirt, pants, belt, socks and shoes. Additionally, the school offers official outerwear. Uniforms must fit properly and be maintained in good condition. Shirts must always be tucked in neatly. Students who do not arrive in the official school uniform will not be permitted to attend class until the uniform issue is corrected.

Purple short-sleeved polo or button-down shirts with Edna Karr school crest are the official uniform shirt, and must always be worn as part of the school uniform. Collars must be worn down in the normal position; shirts must be tucked in at all times, and should be an appropriate size.

Boys: Only Dickies style 874 khaki long pants with no alterations are acceptable. Pants must be worn at the waist.

Girls: School plaid pants must be worn with no alterations. Skirts, shorts, and any other variations are not acceptable.

Outerwear that is permitted in the school building must be official Edna Karr apparel. This includes sweaters and sweatshirts purchased from uniform vendors, and Edna Karr athletic team, club, and class apparel. Hooded sweatshirts are not allowed. Any non-Karr outerwear apparel that is worn to the school will be confiscated and held throughout the school day. Edna Karr is not responsible for items not retrieved within 24 hours.

Solid black or brown belts are required. Oversized buckles are not allowed.

Boys: Only Under Armour, school issued black shoes are permitted.

Girls: Only black and white oxford shoes OR Under Armour, school-issued black shoes are permitted. Students with foot or ankle injuries that require special footwear must report to the Head of School or the nurse with a note explaining the difficulty before being allowed to attend classes.

Socks are to be worn with the official uniform.

Earrings should be smaller than the size of a quarter. Hats, scarves, winter headbands, and hoods- these may not be worn in the school building at any time.

Students are only allowed to bring and/or carry mesh or clear book bags with them to and at school. Mesh book bags are available for purchase from the school front office. Edna Karr High School will not be held responsible for any lost or stolen property that a student brings on school grounds or to school-sponsored events. The student is responsible for his/her own property.

The official Edna Karr High School student ID must be visibly worn around the neck at all times during the school day, and at school events. ID pictures are taken at summer enrollment. Replacement IDs are available for $10.00 from the school disciplinarian.